I started with my hair already "ombre'd", so that the ends were already bleached/lightened from a few months ago. if you are starting out without lighter ends, note that you will need to first use a highlighting kit, and use our tutorial here to lighten up those ends, so that your color will display properly.
here are the tools you will need: a color brush ($1.99 from your local beauty store), highlighting foils (I got a package of 35 for about $3), and then your color! I chose to get four shades - two blue and two pink. i got a light and dark blue, and then a light and dark pink, so that i could create a blending effect. feel free to get creative and use whatever colors strike your fancy! i cut my foils in half, since i was only highlighting the ends, and it seemed to make them much easier to work with. i also got these pretty sweet foils that allow you to see the color through the foil.
to start, i sectioned my hair off with a clip as i would when straightening or curling it. i started with the bottom layer and worked my way upwards. i did one color at a time, so that i could use the same brush the whole time and used random selection to chose what pieces would be painted blue or pink.
i randomly chose pieces that i wanted to highlight, of about the size you see above, and set them on the highlighting foil. starting with the light blue dye, i then used the brush to add the color at the top of the piece (closer to my roots). i then added the dark blue dye starting from the tips/ends, blending the two together where they met. i used more of the darker dye on each tip. (the great part about this is that it doesn't have to be perfect - messy lines look much better than straight ones here! i also tried to make sure i was putting about the same amount on each side, so as not to be lopsided in color. )
i continued this around my head, pulling the hair forward to make it easier to reach. this way, i could get the back of my head as well.
i left the blue dye in for about 45 minutes, then rinsed. (my hair takes longer to pull color - the instructions said about 30 minutes)
i waited for my hair to dry, then repeated the process with the pink.
don't be timid about this hairdo (its goof proof!) - the semi and demi- permanent dyes wash out in 10-12 washes. if you want to preview this look on yourself before you go for the real thing, try out a spray in style, found in most beauty stores in the same aisle alongside the color dyes! Check out the Purple Spray Tee used. This was a one time wash out.